Saturday, May 21, 2005

Sold another book!

I've finally finished a second science fiction romance book in the futuristic world I created in Promises To Keep and sold it to New Concepts Publishing. Titled Beloved Enemy this book actuallly takes place earlier than Promises To Keep, during the last years of the Earth/Gaian war.

It is about two pilots from opposite sides of the war who are stranded on a deserted planet. Mea is a member of Earthforce and a survivor of the expulsion of her people, the Travelers, from the mining platforms that had been her childhood home. Kavath is a Gaian pilot whose sister was killed in the first attack Earth made against the rebel planet. But when Mea turns out to be his sexual match, she and Kavath must decide if what is drawing them together is more important than what is keeping them apart.

Sound good? I hope so!
